Cycles of Resistance:
Get Involved
To learn more about the movements which inspired tonight’s program, please scroll down.

Disability Rights and Equal Access
Humanity & Inclusion is an 501(c)(3) organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.
Be A Hero (founded in 2017 by Ady Barkan) believes health care should be a human right. Everyone should have the care they need, no matter who they are, where they live, what job they have or whether they have a job at all. Their team takes on critical fights to transform America’s healthcare system so that it guarantees all of us the care and dignity we deserve.
Join Their Mission:
Judy Heumann’s Ideas on How to Get Involved. In my research for this page, I came across Judy’s resource page, and I think it has everything anyone could need to jump into action on behalf of Disability Rights. For everything from the most pressing needs to general information on how to make your website and buildings accessible, support for college students and those entering the workforce, she’s got it all right here:
Power not Pity Podcast centers and celebrates the lived experiences of disabled people of color. Season 2 spends time exploring the worlds of people in our community who dare to interrogate the dominant narrative of what survival feels like for a disabled person of color during these trying times. Learn more:
The Heumann Perspective Podcast: Join Judy Heumann, an internationally recognized bad-ass disability activist in conversation with disabled changemakers and their allies. For all fighting for social justice, these conversations around disability culture, art, entertainment, policy and advocacy are sure to light a rebellious fire under you to fight harder for all people. Learn more:

Refugees and Cultural/Religious Genocide
Tonight we heard from the brave voices of The Girls of Room 28. While their fight is a past terror, the same horrors of cultural genocide and imprisonment are happening right now around the world, and even here in The United States. Below are some opportunities to get involved.
Rohingya refugees fled violence in Myanmar at a staggering rate in 2017: over 1 million Rohingya people have fled to neighboring countries. The camps are beyond capacity and the UN is leading efforts to support these refugees.
During times of displacement, the UNHCR provides critical emergency assistance in the form of clean water, sanitation and healthcare, as well as shelter, blankets, household goods and sometimes food. They also arrange transport and assistance packages for people who return home, and income-generating projects for those who resettle. Learn more & donate
Here is a great source of information chronicling the current status of the crisis: Learn More
Uyghur “Re-Education” and Labor Camps in Xinjiang, China are growing at frightening rate, prompting human rights groups to sound the alarm and several countries (including France and The US) to recognize the situation as genocide. Over one million Uyghurs and other mostly-Muslim ethnic groups have been held against their will and used as forced labor. There is also evidence of torture, sexual abuse, and forced sterilization.
Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) was founded in 2004 as a project of the Uyghur American Association and became an independent nonprofit organization in 2016. They publish reports and analysis to defend Uyghurs’ rights according to international human rights standards and submit reports and policy recommendations to governments, UN, & EU. The UHRP has released more than 80 reports and briefings as well as 400+ statements and press releases since 2004.
International Support for Uyghurs (ISU) is a nonprofit organization based in Montreal, Canada dedicated to supporting the Uyghurs through advocacy projects and initiatives. ISU works to magnify the voices of the East Turkistan diaspora members in Canada and all around the world, promotes basic human rights and freedoms of the people in East Turkistan and empowers the East Turkistan diaspora members who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents, refugees, and refugee claimants, through its advocacy activities.
The United States Border Crisis may not always be forefront in the news, but there is still much we need to do at our own US Border. Below are some great places to start for information and actions.
UNICEF’s mission is “to relentlessly pursue an equitable world for every child” and they are actively working to help out at our borders. We collaborate with governments and corporations, non-profit groups and social enterprises, civic leaders and celebrities, churches and other faith-based organizations, youth groups and campus groups, teachers and students and families — anyone willing to help us advocate for the survival and well-being of every child. Check their recent reports and get involved.
Save the Children has protected the world’s children from harm and ensured their rights are upheld for over 100 years. Today, through cross-border collaboration, they are supporting migrant children and families throughout the entire path of migration. Through Save the Children’s political advocacy arm – Save the Children Action Network – we are building bipartisan support for migrant children and families in Washington, advocating for policies that ensure they are treated safely and humanely, and with dignity and respect. Click here for action steps and ways to help!
RAICES defends the rights of immigrants and refugees, empower individuals, families, and communities, and advocate for liberty and justice. They are a nonprofit agency that promotes justice by providing free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees. With legal services, social programs, bond assistance, and an advocacy team focused on changing the narrative around immigration in this country, RAICES is operating on the national frontlines of the fight for immigration rights. Click here to Donate.
Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. They conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research. We do not take policy positions. This Pew Research Center analysis examines changing migration patterns at the U.S.-Mexico border, based on current and historical data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The analysis is based on migrant encounters – a common but only partial indicator of how many people enter the United States illegally in a given year.

Turkish Femicide
What’s Happening Now?
In March 2021, Turkey withdrew from the Istanbul Convention. An effort it had organized to unify European countries in their policies protecting women in cases of domestic violence as well as stalking, harassment, and rape. Even with these policies protecting women and girls, it has been a struggle to get law enforcement to take incident reports seriously, often letting perpetrators off with just a warning. The resistance movement is powerful and engaged. Below are some great institutions to support these efforts.
The Mor Çatı (Purple Roof) Women’s Shelter Foundation was established in 1990 by feminists in order to combat violence against women, aiming for women to be able to build lives unhindered by gender-based discrimination and male violence under free and equal conditions. They provide shelter, social counseling, and legal counseling for individuals as well as creating, monitoring and reporting national and international legislation. Donate & Get Involved
Turkish Philanthropy Funds (TPF) is the leading U.S. community foundation for high-impact social investments dedicated to Turkish and Turkish-American communities. Since 2007, TPF has mobilized over $48M and has invested over $26M in grants with partners focused on addressing economic, social, and environmental needs in Turkey and around the world. TPF donors and partners have reached thousands of families and directly funded over 300 projects. Donate & Get Involved
Small Projects Istanbul (SPI) is dedicated to helping those displaced by the conflict in the MENA region. The Community Center is designed to be a place of safety and belonging; within this space, they are committed to working with the community to ensure the best opportunities to reach their full potential in Istanbul and beyond. SPI strives to provide livelihood opportunities through the establishment of a Women’s Social Enterprise, enabling vocational development, income generation, and economic integration. Donate & Get Involved
We Will Stop Femicide was founded by the families of murdered women in Turkey. They provide legal assistance to women in danger, fight cases on behalf of women who have been killed, educate Turkish women about their rights, and campaigns for the implementation of the Istanbul Convention. Help Spread their Mission
Anıt Sayaç (Turkish Monument Counter) is a site created to memorialize women who have been killed by domestic violence in Turkey. To stay informed and help their mission, click here.
Quick links from less pressing movements:
The following sources have been helpful in my preparation for tonight’s concert but are not currently needing as much action as the above causes. That said, there are still wonderful ways to get involved and educate yourself and others on past resilience to support future progress.