Strong Women Make Waves

I have a mug that says, “Strong Women Make Waves” and I just had a realization that shifted my perspective on strength. I’m in a period of cocooning and self-nourishment. I just wrapped up a few major projects and I’m feeling low energy, on and off sadness, a sense of insecurity, and more of those “hey, time to take care and recharge” emotions. When I got this mug, I think it was inspiring a sense of forceful strength. As if strength was a static quality that one has or hasn’t; as if I needed a reminder to choose strength instead of the alternative, and what is that? Weakness?

Today, in this place of taking care of myself, I see a much truer and more sustainable vision of strength. We are stronger when we are nourished, healthy, and have a good community to collaborate with. Strength is not a boundary set up to resist the world and onslaught of whatever we are facing. Strength comes from a strong foundation of resilience and preparation; it comes from love and kindness; it comes from time recharging in nature…or even just curled up with a cup of tea.


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